domingo, 20 de junho de 2010

A vida como ela é... na 'Palestina'

Death Cult Children's Theater

Uploaded to YouTube by a Hamas supporter last April, this is one of the most unbelievably evil videos I’ve ever seen.

It’s a home movie from hell, featuring a group of young girls dressed as suicide bombers and terrorists, waving knives and guns and holding dolls, performing a school play somewhere in Gaza. A doting father carefully adjusts his daughter’s suicide bomb belt so it will look just right for the performance.

Absolutely monstrous.

Click here to see the video
In this still from the video, one little girl dressed as a suicide bomber has her hands painted red to symbolize blood, in a scene that’s probably meant to invoke the horrific lynching of two Israelis in Ramallah.

Bloodshed and Anarchy in Gaza

“We Pray that Israel will Come Back and Rule Us Again"

Here’s another UK TV clip from LGF operative Kasper, a better look at the situation in Gaza than we usually get from US media, in which a Palestinian man fed up with the fighting and bloodshed says he wishes Israel would come back in and take over.

"Hamas is Worse than Israel, Worse than Sharon"

The speaker of those words is one Ziad Zaranda, the Gazan whose fiancée, Yusra Azzami, 20, was murdered because the couple were seen walking by the sea and Hamas operatives decided this act was so immoral, she deserved to die.

The young couple's tale is fraught with implications for Palestinian political and social life, but I focus on Zaranda's statement that Hamas is worse than Israel because it fits a theme I have researched for some years and have just gone into print with. Titled "The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat," the longish article provides what may be the first-ever compilation of pro-Israel statements by Palestinians, then draws some conclusions from this recurring pattern.
Palestinos pró-Israel
Pro-Israel Palestinians
"The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat"

Tragic Kingdom

More Islamic Supremacism from Death Cult Mickey
Video: Death Cult Mickey Still Teaching Islamic Supremacism

Islamic Sesame Street

The opressed 'palestinians'


An Australian woman reveals how she discovered dead bodies are torn, photographed and used as anti-Israeli propaganda, claiming the victims were tortured. She also states all boys aged between 10 and 16 are soldiers.

Of course, the Palestinians are the underdog and therefore must be suffering unjustly mustn't they?

"How Many Jews Did Mama Kill?"

from and
Rim Al-Riyashi with her son

Lionizing -- actually canonizing -- a mass murderer.

"Children of Palestinian Suicide Bomber Rim Al-Riyashi on Hamas TV: Mama Killed Five Jews and She Is in Paradise," from MEMRI:

The following are excerpts of an interview with the children of Palestinian suicide bomber Rim Al-Riyashi, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on March 8, 2007.


Interviewer: "Let's talk with the two children of the jihad-fighting martyrdom-seeker Rim Al-Riyashi, Dhoha and Muhammad. Dhoha, you love Mama, right? Where did Mama go?"
Dhoha: "To Paradise."
Interviewer: "What did Mama do?"
Dhoha: "She committed martyrdom."
Interviewer: "She killed Jews, right?"
Interviewer: "How many did she kill, Muhammad?"
Muhammad: "Huh?"
Interviewer: "How many Jews did Mama kill?"
Muhammad: "This many... "
Interviewer: "How many is that?"
Muhammad: "Five."
Interviewer: "Do you love Mama? Do you miss Mama?
"Where is Mama, Muhammad?"
Muhammad: "In Paradise."
Interviewer: "Dhoha, what would you like to recite for us?"
Dhoha: "In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate: 'When comes the help of Allah, and victory, and you see people entering the religion of Allah in troops, then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and ask His forgiveness, for He is ever ready to show mercy.'"

That's the Qur'an, of course -- sura 110:1-3.

"That will Teach You To Say That The Palestinian People Can't Rule Themselves As A Democracy!"

Palestinian gunmen, who identified themselves as members of the Islamic Jihad group, shoot a man in a public square in the West Bank town of Jenin, in last Aug.

The above text is all that accompanies this photograph which I found via the Yahoo news images.
A bit lacking don't you think? I mean, it's probably amongst the most shocking images you'll currently find on their listings at the moment and no details of names, crimes, or the immediate action that I'm sure all the western liberal touchy feely "human rights" orgs are currently taking after seeing this sort of thing being carried out by IDF soldiers against the poor "palest...oh, hold on. Ah, wait a sec. Oh, I see now, these are just the way disagreements are settled between the different "freedom" movements. Yeah, ya know, when they do it to each other, ya gotta respect their customs.note : send in your own captions. Win a prize. The prize of giving.

Hat tip to the Jewish Odysseus for the caption

Justice in "Palestine"

Here is - for the first time available, the video tape (taken by Palestinian television) of a so-called "callaborator" caught by the PA secret service. Without any trial at all (not like the second video in which the callaborator was given a trial of one half hour while he was under the influence of drugs), this man was tied, layed down, and shot repetedly by Palestinian gunmen.
Click here to see video (MPG)

This is a video tape (taken by Palestinian television) of a so-called "callaborator" caught by the PA secret service.

This man was given the privilege of an "honorable" trial, in the terms of a PA minister. This means that he was drugged, brought before an Islamic clergyman who listed his sins, said a couple of prayers for his dammned soul, and then taken out to shoot. After getting shot by several soldiers, one of them then took his automatic rifle, stepped up to the man, and shot him repetedly in the head.
Click here to see video (MPG)

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