domingo, 25 de julho de 2010

A Turquia no Chipre vs. Israel em Gaza

Turkey in Cyprus vs. Israel in Gaza

Em face às recentes críticas de Ancara sobre o que chama de "prisão a céu aberto" de Israel em Gaza, realizadas na data de hoje, que marca o aniversário da invasão de Chipre pela Turquia, sua relevância é fora do comum.

EmineErdoganA política turca frente a Israel, historicamente cordial e que apenas há uma década estava próxima a uma aliança total, esfriou desde que os islamistas tomaram o poder em Ancara em 2002. Sua hostilidade se tornou explícita em janeiro de 2009, durante a guerra Israel-Hamas. O Primeiro Ministro Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pomposamente condenou a política israelense como "perpetração de ações desumanas que levará a autodestruição" e até invocou Deus ("Alá irá... punir aqueles que transgridem os direitos dos inocentes"). Sua esposa Emine Erdoğan hiperbolicamente condenou as ações israelenses como sendo tão terríveis que "sequer podiam ser expressas em palavras".

Suas agressões verbais auguraram hostilidades adicionais que incluíram insultar o presidente de Israel, ajudar a patrocinar a "Flotilha da Liberdade" e chamar de volta o embaixador turco.

Essa fúria turca provoca uma pergunta: Israel em Gaza é realmente pior do que a Turquia em Chipre? Uma comparação mostra sua alta improbabilidade. Veja alguns contrastes:

* - A invasão turca de julho-agosto de 1974 envolveu o uso de napalm e "espalhou terror" entre os aldeões gregos cipriotas, de acordo com o Minority Rights Group International. Contrastando, a "batalha feroz" de Israel para tomar Gaza contou somente com armas convencionais e resultou virtualmente sem vítimas civis.

* - A ocupação subsequente de 37 porcento da ilha equipara-se a "limpeza étnica forçada" segundo William Mallinson em uma monografia que acaba de ser publicada pela Universidade de Minnesota. Contrastando, se alguém deseja acusar as autoridades israelenses de limpeza étnica em Gaza, ela foi contra seu próprio povo, os judeus, em 2005.

* - O governo turco tem patrocinado o que Mallinson chama de "política sistemática de colonização" em terras anteriormente gregas no norte de Chipre. Os turcos cipriotas totalizavam cerca de 120.000 em 1973; desde então, mais de 160.000 cidadãos da República da Turquia foram assentados em suas terras. Nem uma única comunidade israelense permanece em Gaza.

* - Ancara governa a zona ocupada com tanta rigidez que, nas palavras de Bülent Akarcalı, político veterano turco, "O Norte de Chipre é governado como se fosse uma província da Turquia". Um inimigo de Israel, o Hamas, governa em Gaza.

* - Os turcos montaram uma estrutura que faz de conta ser autônoma chamada de "A República Turca do Norte de Chipre". Os habitantes de Gaza desfrutam de uma verdadeira autonomia.

* - Um muro que atravessa a ilha mantém os pacíficos gregos fora do norte de Chipre. O muro de Israel exclui terroristas palestinos.


E ainda temos a cidade fantasma de Famagusta, onde as ações turcas correspondem às da Síria sob os criminosos Assads. Após a força aérea turca ter bombardeado a cidade portuária cipriota, as forças turcas entraram para se apossarem dela, com isso impelindo toda a população grega (temendo um massacre) a fugir. As tropas turcas isolaram a área central da cidade, chamada Varosha e a ninguém é permitido morar lá.

Varosha-ChipreConforme esse centro grego em ruínas é invadido pela natureza, ele se torna uma bizarra cápsula do tempo de 1974. Steven Plaut da Universidade de Haifa visitou-a e relata: "Nada mudou. ... Diz-se que as agências de automóveis no centro fantasma, até os dias de hoje estão estocadas com modelos antigos de 1974. Por anos após o estupro de Famagusta, a população contava que ainda via lâmpadas acesas nas janelas dos edifícios abandonados".

Curiosamente, outra cidade fantasma levantina também data do verão de 1974. Exatamente 24 dias antes da invasão de Chipre pelos turcos, tropas israelenses evacuaram a cidade fronteiriça de Quneitra, entregando-a às autoridades Sírias. Hafez al-Assad optou, também por motivos políticos, não permitir que ninguém morasse lá. Décadas mais tarde, ela também permanece vazia, refém da beligerância.

Erdoğan alega que as tropas turcas não estão ocupando o norte de Chipre, e sim, estão lá na "Capacidade turca como potência garantidora", seja lá o que isso queira dizer. O mundo, no entanto, não é trapaceado. Se Elvis Costello cancelou recentemente um concerto em Tel-Aviv em protesto pelo "sofrimento dos inocentes [palestinos]," Jennifer Lopez cancelou um concerto no norte de Chipre em protesto à "violação dos direitos humanos".

Em suma, o Norte de Chipre compartilha características com a Síria que lembram uma "prisão a céu aberto" mais do que Gaza. Interessante que uma Ancara hipócrita se coloque no alto do pedestal dando lição de moral sobre Gaza mesmo que ela própria aja de forma bem mais agressiva na área que governa. Em vez de se intrometer em Gaza, os líderes turcos deviam acabar com a ocupação ilegal e destruidora que por décadas divide Chipre de forma trágica.

quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

Supreme Muslim Council Declared Temple Mount to be Jewish

You can download the entire 16 page PDF version of the 1925 Guidebook by clicking HERE.

Supreme Moslem Council: Temple Mount is Jewish

by Hillel Fendel

( The widely-disseminated Arab Moslem position that the Temple Mount is not Jewish has been debunked – by the Supreme Moslem Council (Waqf) of Jerusalem, in a Temple Mount guide published in 1925.

Guidebook Puts the Lie to Current Arab Campaign

In 1997, the chief Moslem cleric of the Palestinian Authority, Mufti Ikrama Sabri, stated, “The claim of the Jews to the right over [Jerusalem] is false, and we recognize nothing but an entirely Islamic Jerusalem under Islamic supervision…”

Thus began a campaign to convince the world that the millennia-old natural association between Jerusalem and Jews was untrue. As Islamic Movement chief Raed Salah stated in 2006, “We remind, for the 1,000th time, that the entire Al-Aqsa mosque [on the Temple Mount], including all of its area and alleys above the ground and under it, is exclusive and absolute Moslem property, and no one else has any rights to even one grain of earth in it.”

However, it is now known that this “absolute” Moslem claim is actually not as absolute as claimed. In fact, back in 1925, the Supreme Moslem Council – also known as the Waqf, which has overseen Temple Mount activities on behalf of the Moslem religion for hundreds of years – boasted proudly that the site was none other than that of Solomon’s Temple.

The Jerusalem-based Temple Institute ( reports that it has acquired a copy of the official 1925 Supreme Moslem Council Guide Book to Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Moslem name for the Temple Mount). On page 4, the Waqf states, “Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which ‘David built there an altar unto the L-rd…’, citing the source in 2 Samuel XXIV,25.

In addition, on page 16, the pamphlet makes reference to the underground area in the south-east corner of the Mount, which is refers to as Solomon’s Stables. “Little is known for certain of the history of the chamber itself,” the guide reads. “It dates probably as far back as the construction of Solomon’s Temple. According to Josephus, it was in existence and was used as a place of refuge by the Jews at the time of the conquest of Jerusalem by Titus in the year 70 A.D.”

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem was in fact the site of the two Jewish Holy Temples which stood for nearly 1,000 years (see below).

Proof of Moslem Anti-Jewish Revisionism

The Temple Institute’s Rabbi Chaim Richman writes that the pamphlet provides proof that the Waqf’s current position is a departure from traditional Muslim belief. “In recent years,” he writes, “the Moslem Waqf has come to deny the historic existence of the Holy Temple, claiming that the Temple Mount belongs solely to the Moslem nation, and that there exists no connection between the Jewish nation and the Temple Mount. It is clear from this pamphlet that the revised Waqf position strays from traditional Moslem acknowledgment of the Mount’s Jewish antecedents.”

“The current denial of historical reality is merely one tool in the war being waged by Moslems against the G-d of Israel and the entire ‘infidel’ world,” Richman declares.

Examples of the new Palestinian/Arab position on Jerusalem:

PA Mufti Sabri was quoted in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam on November 22, 1997 as saying, “The ‘Al-Buraq’ Wall [the Western Wall] is a part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Jews have no relation to it.”

The same newspaper, on July 18, 1997, reported that Hamad Yusef, head of The Institution for the Rejuvenation of the Palestinian Heritage, referred to the “false historical claim of the Jews in the holy city, a claim which they were unable to prove in all of the excavations conducted by foreign groups for the past hundred years.” The paper also stated that Hamad “accused the Israelis of unprecedented historical forgeries, emphasizing the Palestinian, the Arab and the Islamic nature of the holy city for the past 6,000 years. Israel fails in her attempt to find a historical connection to Jerusalem.” (courtesy of Jewish Virtual Library)

Jewish History on the Mount

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem was the site of the two Jewish Holy Temples, the first of which was built by King Solomon in the year 832 BCE, close to 1,500 years before Islam was founded. It stood for over 400 years, and after the 70-year Babylonian Exile, a Second Temple was built on the same site. Thus, for nearly 1,000 years, Holy Temples stood on the site, until the Romans conquered the entire land and destroyed the Second Temple. Though the area came under the control of the Romans, Byzantines, Moslems, Christians, Turks, British and others over the intervening centuries, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were always the focus of Jewish religious and national yearnings, and continued to be the Jews’ “capital” even while in exile. In the Six Day War of 1967, the modern State of Israel liberated the Temple Mount area and all of Jerusalem, placing it under Jewish control once again after a hiatus of 1,900 years.

Israel, however, never actualized its sovereignty over the holy Temple Mount site, but rather granted the Waqf nearly total control. Jews, in fact, have not been allowed to pray there ever since then-Chief IDF Rabbi Shlomo Goren led a prayer service there on the first Tisha B’Av after the liberation. Jews’ visiting hours are also restricted.

terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010

The Forgotten Refugees IV - 2nd Class Citizens in Israel

"We have here a people whose primitiveness sets a record" wrote a Ha'aretz reporter, not of the palestinians, but of Mizrahi (Oriental Jews) refugees. Similar statements were made by ashkenazic politicians (and Prime Ministers) such as David Ben Gurion, Golda Meir and Levi Eshkol.

This anti-Mizrahi prejudice among the Ashkenazi elite (European Jews) translated into them being whisked away to live in the remotest parts of Israel and populate what are known as "development towns" that failed to develop into anything beyond a receptacle for broken promises and shattered dreams.

The Ashkenazi elite also set about "civilising" the Mizrahi Jews and shaping them into modern "Israelis". Of course, to a certain extent, this happened to all immigrants, but since the Ashkenazi were calling the shots, it was their culture that most influenced the Israeli ideal.

Today, mizrahim still make up the bulk of Israel's poor and undereducated; they are often stereotyped in the media as pimps and hustlers; their culture is seen as somewhat inferior; and their accent, although it is the more accurate form of Hebrew, is scorned.

Don't call me "black"

אל תקרא לי שחור

Prejudice against oriental Jews in Israel today (in Hebrew)

Links (This is how it works here):

The european secular Zionists - They pretend this never happened; try to sugarcoat their ugly past or say that this doesn't happen in Israel anymore -- A lie.

The european anti-Zionist leftists - They pretend that life under Muslim rule was better and that Mizrahi Jews were happier as second class citizens under brutal anti-semitic dictatorships like Lybia or Syria than as second class citizens in Israel.

Post-Zionism and the Sephardi question

What were Arab-Jewish relations really like?

Israel's other Arabs

"Why Jews left Arab Lands" a Progressive Sephardic view

"The Mizrahi ("Arab?") Jews: The Forgotten Refugees

sábado, 17 de julho de 2010

The 10th anniversary of Ehud Barak's betrayal of Israel and the people of south Lebanon

Written by Charbel Barakat
Sunday, 23 May 2010

Today, is the 10th anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from what used to be known as the “security zone.” On May 23, 2000 – on the instructions of then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak – all Israeli units operating north of the border inside Lebanese territory were pulled back inside Israeli territory.

According to Barak it was in implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 425 issued in 1978 after an Israeli incursion into Lebanon (in response to PLO attacks across the border).

So, 23 years after it had entered the country to fight its enemies, Israel’s government decided to pull its troops back from Lebanon abruptly. Barak at the time said he was complying with UN resolutions and that he believed Lebanon was no longer a threat. That was the Israeli version of the Labor Government then.

But as IDF forces were pulling back, Iranian-backed Hezbollah militias were entering every single village and town evacuated by the Israelis. According to Hassan Nasrallah, the commander of Hezbollah, Israel withdrew because of the strikes by the so-called “resistance,” which in fact was the Iranian-backed militia. The Hezbollah story is that southern Lebanon was occupied by the Israelis, who had a proxy militia known as South Lebanon Army. And that Hezbollah struggled to liberate the land from its “Zionist occupiers.”

But there is a third version rejecting the first two and claiming it represents the struggle of the people of southern Lebanon who struggled against terror and were removed from their ancestral lands because of Barak’s policies on the one hand and the abandonment of western Lebanon last resisting free people against the hordes of Hezbollah and their Iranian and Syrian backers on the other hand.

Unfortunately, the third story has no tellers these days. Barak has Israel’s media at his service, so he can boast about his betrayal of southern Lebanon and his own Israeli people; and Nasrallah has his Iranian-funded media to claim his victories against the population that resisted him in southern Lebanon.

On this 10th anniversary of the betrayal of the people of south Lebanon, the truth is going to be blanched. It will take time for the witnesses of that drama to share the facts with the world, but it will happen no matter what.

The people within the so-called “security zone” are Lebanese citizens who have suffered at the hands of Palestinian terrorist groups since the 1970s and at the hands of Hezbollah since the 1980s. They are the sons and daughters of the land for centuries. The PLO then and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards today are foreign occupation forces. Israel entered Lebanon twice, first in 1978 and again in 1982, to strike back against terror forces shelling its territory from inside Lebanon.

The Lebanese citizens living in the border towns wanted the Lebanese Army only, neither the Israelis and certainly not the terrorist forces. But Lebanon’s government collapsed in 1975, and by 1990 it was controlled by Syria. The people of the south had no choice but to accept aid and support from Israel’s occupation forces. To be clear between the terrorists and barbarians who were slaughtering civilians and aiming at establishing a Jihadi regime and the forces of the state of Israel, an ally to the United States and at Peace with Egypt and Jordan, the choice was made against Hezbollah and the Syrian-Iranian axis.

The South Lebanon Army, under control of Israel, was by far better than ending up in the detention camps of the Iranian Pasdaran or in the torture facilities of Hezbollah and Syria. Hence, a large segment of the population of south Lebanon, Christian, Druse, Shia and Sunnis adhered to the SLA and stood by Israel’s forces as a common front against the terrorists. Israel’s successive governments stood in solidarity with the people of south Lebanon. A brotherhood between the IDF and the SLA was the cornerstone of the common defense against Hezbollah and Syria.

South Lebanon’s civil society would have preferred to be under the direct protection of the UNIFIL, a UN force dispatched to protect the Peace and the local population as of 1978. But UNIFIL’s bureaucrats refused to take the southern Lebanese under their auspices leaving them to strive for themselves. The SLA and the local population did the right thing by defending themselves and they did so under international law which grants them the right to fight for survival, hoping that when the Israelis wanted to leave, they would allow them to defend themselves and seek UN protection.

In 2000, then Israeli Prime Minister and Labor Party leader Ehud Barak betrayed an Israeli tradition of solidarity with the SLA and an Israeli natural friendship with the southern Lebanese. He not only ordered the abrupt withdrawal of IDF from the security zone but also a dismantlement of the SLA.

All that the southern Lebanese people wanted – as villagers living on their ancestral lands – was to defend it until they were free or die trying. Barak took away their most sacred right, the right to resist. He ordered his forces to shut off the borders as south Lebanon’s border populations were disarmed and about to be overwhelmed by the Jihadi barbarians. We know that a majority of the Israeli people were frustrated by that move, and we know that many in the IDF resented Barak’s stab in the back of the only population in the Middle East that actually stood by the Jewish people of Israel.

The southern Lebanese were forced to march during the night in a dishonorable exodus into Israel. In one night, Barak and his political allies in the government and abroad killed the last free enclave in Lebanon. In one night, he invited Hezbollah to the international borders. In on night, he terminated the only fighting force that was shedding blood shoulder-to-shoulder with the IDF in defending that part of the Middle East against the Jihadi terrorists. He took out the only friendship that could have told the world that Israel itself should not be betrayed or abandoned because it had not betrayed its own allies. Unfortunately, Barak’s reckless stab in the back of Israel’s only allies in the Middle East opened the path for the Jihadist forces to surround Israel further from the north and from the south. A few months later, the Aqsa intifada was shattering the myth of invincibility in Israel and from then on Israel was alone in a region filled with hatred. Barak took away the southern Lebanese people’s own ability to testify that Israel was doing good in the region, it was protecting its small and weak neighbors in southern Lebanon.

Today when Israel’s image is assaulted by the lethal propaganda machine of the Iranian petrodollars worldwide and in the United States, and when anti-semitism is running high in Western capitals, the only underdogs who would have told the world that Israel had been defending Christians, Druse, Shia and Sunni in that free enclave of Lebanon; those underdogs uprooted from their homes and lands because of the arrogance of a few politicians who thought they had it figured out, cannot testify to save the honor of their former allies. Blame Barak and his elitist friends in Israel and the United States for that.

This had to be said and it will be repeated as long as needed until some courageous leaders in Israel and the United States will apologize to the population of southern Lebanon for what has been done to them. History is unique in the ways it sends its messages. Three months after abandoning the people of south Lebanon, Israel was hit by a Jihadi war that has not stopped since, neither across the Lebanese border nor across the frontier of Gaza. And one year after that, America was hit by the beast of terror on 9/11. Offering the small villages of southern Lebanon to the Jihadists didn’t appease them. Just the opposite, it emboldened them. We hope the free world learned the lesson.

However, we do know that the majority of Israelis do not believe in Barak’s pragmatic miscalculations and they do want a friendship with their neighbors from the north. Naturally, it would have been better to have the SLA fending off the Iranian assault waves than having the enemy roaming the borders. Now they have to deal with Hassan Nasrallah’s 40,000 missiles to the north, Assad’s chemical forces, Hamas terror from the south and Ahmedinijad’s forthcoming nukes. Had Israel not dismantled the southern Lebanese resistance against terror, Hezbollah would have been dealing with a strong indigenous force to reckon with. Let’s see if Israel’s basic instincts correct the mistakes of its own leaders.

Meanwhile, we the people of southern Lebanon haven’t lost hope. We continue to struggle politically around the world for the liberation of Lebanon. We are now part of a vast Diaspora that stands firmly with the United States and the international community including Europe, Russia and the Arab moderates, in a campaign to defeat the terror forces. Our commitment to freeing Lebanon persists from generation to generation. We are still committed not only to peace with Israel but also to a friendship with the Jewish people in the Holy Land. Despite the betrayal by some of its politicians, Israel has a full right to exist in the region and all nations have right to freedom and democracy. We hope that the democratic forces among Arabs and other nations of the Middle East would soon rise against dictatorship and fascism and we will return to our occupied land and live in Peace.

May 23, 2000 was a hard benchmark in our history, but it is certainly not the end of it. We will return and we will live all in peace.

– Col. Charbel Barakat, Lebanese Army (Ret.) is an historian and a former civil society leader in south Lebanon. He is now a counterterrorism expert in Canada.

sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

PFLP Leader: 'Arafat Died of AIDS'

Here’s Ahmad Jibril, Secretary-General of the PFLP General Command, on Hizballah’s Al-Manar TV, publicly admitting the truth about Yasser Arafat’s death for the first time. (Courtesy of MEMRI TV.)

Ahmad Jibril: When Abu Mazen came to Damascus with his team, I asked them: “What happened to the investigation into the death of Abu Ammar [Arafat]? The Israelis killed him. He was my colleague ever since 1965 and used to sleep at my home. He and I followed the same path.” Is it conceivable that when Rafiq Al-Hariri was killed, all hell broke loose, even though he was just a merchant in Saudi Arabia, who later entered politics, whereas the death of Yasser Arafat, who for 40 years had been carrying his gun from one place to another, is not investigate? Is this conceivable?

They were silent, and then one of them said to me: “To be honest, the French gave us the medical report, that stated that the cause of Abu Ammar’s death was AIDS.” I am not saying this, they did. Now they pretend that they miss Yasser Arafat, and complain that [Hamas] entered his house in [Gaza] and so on... I say to every honorable member of the Fatah movement that he should be happy that we got rid of the plague, which had been imposed upon them and upon the Palestinian people. The Fatah movement now has an opportunity to renew itself.

domingo, 11 de julho de 2010

Anti-semitismo árabe

"Os árabes não podem ser anti-semitas
porque eles mesmos são semitas"

O argumento de que anti-semitismo é também contra os árabes, também descendentes de Sem, não procede por ser falacioso.

Antes de qualquer coisa, deve-se ter em mente que 'semita' é um termo lingüístico, não racial.
Considerando a etimologia da palavra, anti-semitismo (ou antissemitismo) significaria, portanto, aversão aos semitas - segundo a Bíblia, os descendentes de Sem - grupo que compreende os hebreus, os assírios, os arameus e os fenícios.

O termo "semita" foi cunhado pelo historiador alemão August Ludwig von Schlözer para se referir a família de línguas das quais o hebraico e línguas relacionadas, tal como o árabe, pertencem. O termo deriva do nome Sem (Shem no hebraico), filho mais velho de Noé e ancestral dos israelitas de acordo com a genealogia bíblica. Entretanto, já que de acordo com essa mesma genealogia vários povos falantes de línguas semíticas (tais como os cananitas) descendiam de Ham, e não de Sem, o termo "semita" não deveria ser entendido como étnico, só como lingüístico.

Já o termo 'anti-semita' foi cunhado na Alemanha em 1879 pelo escritor Wilhelm Marrih (Marr) - ele próprio um anti-semita - numa altura em que a ciência racial estava na moda no país, para se referir às manifestações antijudaicas da época e dar ao ódio aos judeus um nome que soasse mais científico, substituindo assim o termo usado até então - Judenhass ("ódio aos judeus").

O significado de 'anti-semitismo' foi aceito e compreendido como ódio aos judeus. Os dicionários definem o termo como: "Teoria, ação ou prática dirigida contra os judeus" e "hostilidade contra judeus como minoria religiosa ou racial, geralmente acompanhada de discriminação política, econômica e social".

O argumento de que os árabes, como semitas, não têm como ser anti-semitas é uma distorção semântica que ignora a realidade da discriminação e da hostilidade árabe contra os judeus. Na verdade, os árabes podem ser tão anti-semitas como qualquer outro povo.

Grande exemplo disso é que foram exatamente os árabes muçulmanos que se aliaram aos nazistas desde o início.

Não se deve confundir árabes com muçulmanos, pois existem árabes (ou, nesses casos, arabizados) não-muçulmanos, como os coptas, maronitas etc. e muçulmanos não-arabes, como iranianos, indonésios, filipinos, indianos...

Também os egípcios, libaneses, sírios, iraquianos, marroquinos e argelinos (entre outros) não são etnicamente árabes*, apenas culturalmente - ou seja, arabizados. (Ver ARAB IMPERIALISM: THE TRAGEDY OF THE MIDDLE EAST)

árabes são os nativos da península Arábica - Arábia Saudita, Iemen, Kuwait...

Existe discussão se os árabes são realmente "semitas" (apesar de o termo se referir a língua, e não etnia ou raça), sendo que muitos os consideram descendentes dos kushitas, mas falantes de um idioma semita - assim como os etíopes, que apesar de descenderem dos mesmos kushitas também falam uma lingua semita.

Outro ponto importante é que nem todos os judeus são 'racialmente' semitas. Judeus e Hebreus não são a mesma coisa. O judaísmo é uma religião, não uma etnia.
Os judeus europeus (asquenazes/ashquenazim) que, de acordo com números muito inflados, representam 3/4 da população judaica atual e pouco menos da metade da população judaica de Israel são um exemplo disso (alguns estudos, no entanto, indicam que a maioria dos judeus espalhados pelo mundo são genéticamente mais próximos de outros judeus do que de seus vizinhos não-judeus).

*Sobre os árabes e seu parentesco genético com judeus e outros povos semitas:
Estudos genéticos comprovam que judeus têm grande parentesco genético com sírios, libaneses (arameus e fenícios) e com assírios (população nativa do Iraque) e que têm relação bem menor e muito mais distante com os árabes. (Ver Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese)

Myths, Hypotheses and Facts - Origin and Identity of the Arabs

sábado, 10 de julho de 2010

Heil Jihad! Parte 3 - Islã: a conexão Nazista

A origem do anti-sionismo palestino é o nazismo. O verdadeiro nome de Yassir Arafat é Abdul Rauf el-Codbi el-Husseini, sendo um dos sobrinhos do Grã Mufti, aliado dos nazistas que ensinou ao sobrinho seus princípios racistas.

As origens nazistas do terrorismo árabe moderno

Islã e Nazismo

Terminada a Primeira Guerra Mundial, com a derrota do Império Otomano, a Turquia ficou reduzida à Anatólia e ao enclave europeu. O resto do Oriente Médio foi dividido entre mandados e protetorados ingleses e franceses de forma arbitrária e seguindo normas geográficas que não refletiam divisões efetivas de povos diferentes. T.E. Lawrence, o da Arábia, havia reunido diversas tribos beduínas que viviam em luta constante entre si. Na hora da divisão foram criadas "dinastias" baseadas nos principais chefes beduínos. Posteriormente Síria e Iraque estabeleceram ditaduras baseadas no mesmo Partido, o Baath, só que de facções diferentes e inimigas entre si. Outros territórios foram sendo criados para "acomodarem" outros aliados: o Reino Hachemita do Jordão (Jordânia), Kwait, Emirados, Qatar, etc.

Na Arábia Saudita, onde predomina a tribo sunita wahabita, toda religião que não a islâmica é proibida, os aviões que sobrevoam seu território tem que suspender o serviço de bebidas alcoólicas, existe uma polícia religiosa que tudo pode, até mesmo levantar a roupa das mulheres para ver se estão usando lingerie ocidental ou perfumes. A pena pode ser o apedrejamento, as mulheres não podem trabalhar, estudar, nem sair à rua sem a companhia do marido ou irmãos. Ainda existe a prática da ablação do clitóris para impedir o orgasmo feminino. Em recente declaração o Ministro da Defesa, Príncipe Sultan, disse que estão proibidos templos de quaisquer outras religiões.

A atitude em relação à religião pode ser resumida nas palavras do Mufti Al-Tayyeb: "A civilização Ocidental é diferente da Oriental primeiramente por sua atitude em relação à religião, que é de inspiração divina. Para nós, no Oriente, a religião é sagrada e é o ápice da honra. No Ocidente (...) a sociedade não está interessada na religião. Mesmo que haja pessoas religiosas, é um sociedade que não se posiciona em relação à religião, é uma sociedade secular. (...) Respeitamos os costumes ocidentais nos seus territórios, mas nos nossos Países não aceitamos que os ocidentais disseminem idéias contrárias à religião, em nome de direitos humanos." Ou então, como disse o ex-Embaixador Iraniano na ONU Sa"id Raja-i-Khorassani: "a idéia de direitos humanos é uma invenção Judaico-Cristã, estranha ao Islam".

Pode-se usar a Turquia como contraste. Lá, o fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial um grupo de oficiais, os Jovens Turcos, comandados por Mustapha Kemal, posteriormente cognominado Ataturk (Pai dos Turcos), derrubou o Império e impôs leis que restringem ao máximo o alcance da religião: o cha"dor é proibido, assim como, para os homens, o uso de bigodes ou o fez (chapeuzinho típico), e o sapato de bico retorcido que eram características dos turcos. Desde então os militares detém um poder supra constitucional que impede a volta dos velhos costumes.

Também o Egito luta desesperadamente para manter a ordem política separada da religião. Em discurso na Universidade do Cairo o Professor de Teologia e Religião Aghajari argumentou que "existe um batalhão de clérigos que se desenvolveu no Islam, que pretende se colocar entre Allah e os crentes " algo que vai completamente contra a natureza do Islam, no qual difere do Cristianismo. (Criticou duramente) estes clérigos que estão no poder no Irã por seu conservadorismo e petrificação, por bloquearem o desenvolvimento da Sociedade e por explorarem o nome de Allah".

Pontos de identificação

"Nada tenho contra o Islam porque ele educa os
homens destas divisões (SS) para mim e promete
a eles o Paraíso se lutarem e morrem em ação.
É uma religião muito prática para soldados"
Reichsfüehrer-SS Heirinch Himmler

Sendo o Islã visceralmente autocrático e antidemocrático é inevitável sua ligação umbilical com outros movimentos socialistas ditatoriais e tirânicos, principalmente com o nazismo, com quem tem em comum o anti-semitismo [1], mas também com o comunismo. Já desde o início do século passado a versão em língua árabe da farsa denominada Os Protocolos dos Sábios do Sião era amplamente divulgada com o total apoio das autoridades muçulmanas religiosas e laicas. Os princípios que guiam as duas ideologias são similares: a visão de um povo unido frente à dominação estrangeira " principalmente Ocidental " que traz "deterioração moral e cultural. Ambas são ligadas, de forma bastante semelhante, à morte pelo martírio como instrumento de depuração sacrificial. A morte é vista como o supremo bem. Enquanto Hitler se baseava nas velhas lendas inspiradas nas sagas dos Nibelungen, do Valhalla como campo dos heróis nacionais mortos em combate, das Valkírias, e da superioridade do Homem Nórdico, o Islam se baseia nas lendas de Sinbad, nos Cavaleiros Árabes e do Rubayyat de Omar Kahyyam, povoadas de guerreiros e mortais que desafiam os deuses pela glória da morte pelo martírio.

Entre 1920 e 1948 a Palestina foi governada pela Inglaterra sob mandato internacional que estipulava que aquela região deveria se tornar um Lar para os Judeus. No início deste mandato um Professor e Jornalista Palestino extremamente nacionalista, Haj Amin el-Husseini, instigou um progrom em Jerusalém e foi condenado a 10 anos de prisão, da qual escapou. Ironicamente, o primeiro Alto Comissário Britânico na Palestina, Sir Herbert Samuel, um Judeu que não queria parecer demasiadamente pró-Judeu, nomeou-o em Março de 1921 Mufti de Jerusalém, título que ele pessoalmente auto-promoveu a Grã Mufti.

Em maio de 1930, Mohammed Nafi Tschelebi, estudante sírio estudante na Universidade de Charlottenburg fundou a Associação Germano-Islâmica (Deutsch-Moslemiche Gesselshaft) com a finalidade de estimular a camaradagem (Kameradeschaft) entre os povos. Já desde 1927, junto com Abdel Jabbar Kheiri havia fundado associações estudantis denominadas "Islamyia" e "El-Arabyia".

Em 1937, mais de vinte anos antes da fundação do Estado de Israel, o Grã Mufti se encontrava com o enviado especial do Führer, Adolf Eichmann. Husseini se opunha ativamente à formação de um Estado Judeu na Palestina e fomentou a revolta árabe em 1936. Em outubro de 1939 o Mufti visitou o Iraque, na época submetido a Nuri el-Said, pró-britânico. O Mufti exerceu enorme pressão contra este dirigente até que conseguiu substitui-lo pelo Governo pró-alemão de Rashid Ali (1 de abril de 1941). Este novo Governo durou pouco por causa da invasão britânica e, em 2 de maio de 1941, Husseini se exilou na Alemanha, empregando o resto de seus dias trabalhando para os Nazistas, inclusive formando batalhões muçulmanos SS (como a Waffen-Gebirgs-Division-SS Handschar [Adaga]) " por ele considerada como a "nata do Islam" - e organizações nazistas no Egito, Palestina, Síria e Iraque.

O golpe pró-nazi no Iraque contou ainda com a ajuda de Kharaillah Tilfah, por mera coincidência (sic) tio e tutor, e posteriormente sogro, de Saddam Hussein. Outra estranha coincidência (sic) é que o verdadeiro nome de Yassir Arafat é Abdul Rauf el-Codbi el-Husseini, sendo um dos sobrinhos do Grã Mufti. Arafat é um codinome retirado de uma colina próxima a Meca e significa "a culminância de uma peregrinação" (hadj), neste caso a libertação de toda a Palestina.

No Oriente Médio, diferentemente de nossa civilização ocidental, a importância dos simbolismos é imensa.

Em 1941 o Mufti foi enviado por Hitler para a Bósnia ocupada aonde obteve o título de "Protetor do Islam". Lá foram exterminados 200.000 Cristãos Sérvios, 40.000 Ciganos e 22.000 Judeus. Ele, entretanto, se intitulava "Führer der Arabischen Welt", Líder do Mundo Árabe. Além disto foi estabelecido uma Associação de Amizade Árabe-Germânica que funcionava no Restaurante Berliner Kindl, na Kufürsterdamm além de um Instituto Islâmico em Dresden (Islamische Zentralinstitut) e o Mufti foi agraciado com um Governo Nazi-Islâmico no Exílio

A Jihad contra os Judeus foi pregada inicialmente pelo Grã Mufti já em 1943, em pleno apogeu do Holocausto, aliás sugerido por ele, quando dissuadiu Hitler de mandar os Judeus para a Palestina sugerindo, ao invés disto, a chamada "solução final do problema judaico na Europa" através do extermínio físico. A Jihad foi exigida por Al-Husseini numa locução na Rádio Berlin: "matem os Judeus aonde os encontrarem, isto agrada a Allah" [2]. Existe evidência sobre a influência direta do Mufti [3] .

Em 1945 ele foi colocado em prisão domiciliar de luxo, sob custódia protetora da França mas, "milagrosamente", escapou para o Cairo em Maio de 1946.

Tais apelos à Jihad formaram o embrião da maioria dos grupos terroristas atuais, como o Jihad Islâmico, o Hamas, o Hizbollah, a OLP, que recebem apoio material e ideológico e cujos "mártires" são tidos como heróis. Saddam Hussein doa U$ 245,000.00 para as famílias dos "mártires" , homens-bomba ou mortos em confronto com forças de Israel. Integrantes da Frente de Libertação Árabe Palestina estimam que o total já chegou a 35 milhões de dólares, somente desde o início da Intifada há 29 meses.

Enquanto a história do Mufti é bem conhecida, não é a única que indica a estreita colaboração. Na Europa do Leste, principalmente na Ucrânia, nos Estados Bálticos e na Bielo-Rússia inúmeros muçulmanos nativos formaram batalhões voluntários como corpos auxiliares das Waffen-SS, chamados Askaris " nome originalmente dado aos soldados negros da África Alemã na Primeira Guerra Mundial, o que já indica o desprezo que os alemães lhes dedicavam. Os Askaris tomaram parte, principalmente, na Operação Reinhardt de deportação e de guarda dos campos de extermínio, principalmente os de Belzec, Sobibor e Treblinka. Da mesma forma batalhões muçulmanos foram os primeiros a tomarem parte da liquidação do ghetto de Varsóvia. Geralmente eram usados como "bucha de canhão".

A Quarta Conferência da Academia Islâmica de Pesquisa na Universidade Al Azhar, em 1969, à qual compareceram 24 países muçulmanos reiterou a necessidade da Jihad contra os Judeus. Naquela reunião o "Ministro da Guerra" da OLP recebeu o nome de Abu Jihad (literalmente "Pai da Guerra Santa"). Segundo a agência espanhola EFE, o xeque Mohamed Sayed Tantawi, o Grande Imã da mesquita egípcia de Al Azhar, a instituição religiosa mais prestigiada do Islã sunita, procurou esclarecer que "há uma grande diferença entre o terrorismo e a "Jihad" (guerra santa). "A Jihad na religião islâmica significa que o muçulmano defenda sua fé, seu país com seus bens e integridade territorial. Se o inimigo invadir um país muçulmano, a guerra santa contra ele é um dever" , afirmou o clérigo ao jornal árabe "Asharq Al Awsat". Por outro lado, o terrorismo, que tem como objetivo o assassinato de civis inocentes, é algo que o Islã repudia e condena, destacou Tantawi. Mas para eliminar esta diferença, basta considerar o Estado de Israel como invasor, e é claro, aí pode tudo!

Finalizo citando um texto do Jornalista José Roitberg, Onde estão os Judeus de Esquerda?: "Sabe que dói e demonstra a aculturação até dos que se afirmam progressistas intelectualizados preferirem demonizar Israel e compartilhar termos como "Sharon Nazi", "Bush Nazi" e nazi-sionistas, deixando de lado os verdadeiros nazistas brasileiros como Castan e Editora Revisão? Será tão mais fácil para o pessoal de esquerda esquecer o nazismo e o neo-nazismo? (...) Será que alguém podia nos responder por que as esquerdas cujo inimigo primordial era o nazismo e o fascismo não se interessam mais pelos verdadeiros inimigos, preferindo taxar os democratas de fascistas?"


- Burkhard Schröder, Führer unter sich

- Chuck Morse, Nazi Origins of Arab Terror

- Jamie Glazov, Symposium: Islam,a Religion of Peace or War? Part I, FrontPage Magazine

- Joachim Fest, Hitler

- Joseph B. Schechtman, The Mufti and the Führer, revisão de Linda Dangoor-Khalastchi

- Michael J. Martin, Arab Nazism: Then and Now, FrontPage Magazine

- T.E. Lawrence, Os Sete Pilares da Sabedoria

[1] O argumento de que anti-semitismo é também contra os árabes, também descendentes de Sem não procede por ser falacioso. Em primeiro lugar não se confunda árabes com muçulmanos pois existem muçulmanos não-árabes, como os iranianos, indonésios, kazaks, usbeks, etc, e também árabes pertencentes a outras religiões, como os coptas, cristãos maronitas e católicos, etc. E também porque foram exatamente os árabes que se aliaram aos nazistas anti-semitas desde o início. Pelo contrário, tais países mais a Nigéria e a Turquia jamais aceitaram a Jihad e mantém boas relações com Israel, assim como o Líbano, até a sua destruição pela Síria e seus aliados do Hizbollah.

[2] Ver -

[3] ver livro de Schechtman citado

© 2003
Autor: Heitor De Paola

quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Heil Jihad! Parte 2

Grand Mufti and Hitler

Syria, Lebanon and nazi Germany


Arab-Palestinian Holocaust Denial

is expressed openly in the Palestinian Authority. Senior Palestinian historians, Issam Sisalem, and Jirar Al Kidwah, Head of the Public Library and Arafat’s advisor, teach that the story of the Holocaust was a Jewish lie in order to gain world sympathy, which lead to the creation of the State of Israel.

An Arab-palestinian religious leader argues that the Jewish leaders were responsible for the murder of the Jews in the Holocaust. "Dr." Muhammam Ibrahim Maadi.


This is a fascinating view into John Loftus' experiences researching Nazi criminals and pursuing Arab terrorists. Of particular interest is his discussion of the linkage between Al-Qa'ida and the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that was founded in the 1920s, funded early on by Adolf Hitler and more recently by Saudi Arabia. He has also been active in the attempt to get some of the information out of government vaults to where it can do some good in helping in the fight against terrorists.

[Editor's Note: To date, Think-Israel has printed a significant article on the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe ("The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest Of Europe") and a Blog-ed on "A Rare Look At Secretive Brotherhood in America".)

The "Rare Look" article includes some information on a Muslim Brother -- Yusuf Qaradawi, whose name also crops up in articles on the riled and indignant Arabs who demonstrate against the Danish cartoons of Mohammed (See Danish Cartoons.) What interesting linkages!] READ MORE

Heil Jihad! - Quando o Islã e Nazismo se Unem

Grão Mufti junto com oficiais nazistas durante uma revista de tropas

De acordo com o pesquisador Roger David Carasso os “árabes aprenderam sua técnica de desinformação com os nazistas”, mas como a foto acima mostra, isso não é nem de longe a única coisa que eles têm em comum.

A história de Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (o Grão Mufti de Jerusalém) é o ponto da história que explica o começo do "nacionalismo palestino", o movimento islamo-fascista de dominação e extermínio que altualmente se faz passar por um movimento de libertação nacional.

Já que o que não falta são artigos e documentos sobre a colaboração do líder religioso islâmico com o nazismo e sua responsabilidade por diversos massacres perpetrados contra os judeus nativos da região, não vou me alongar no assunto.

Abaixo segue uma pequena lista com algumas das contribuições do líder religioso islâmico:

-Em 1929, ele foi acusado de instigar o massacre dos judeus que residiam há milênios em Hebron. Foram mortos 68 judeus e os sobreviventes fugiram da cidade.

-Em abril de 1936, Husseini comandou a Grande Insurreição, que começou com uma greve geral. As exigências, apresentadas às autoridades britânicas, eram a proibição da imigração judaica e da venda de terras a judeus. Houve ataques aos kibbutzim e outras colônias judaicas

-A partir da subida de Hitler ao poder, em 1933, Husseini tentou convencer os nazistas a apoiarem o movimento árabe muçulmano contra os judeus.

-O Grande Mufti propôs a criação do Partido Nazista no Oriente Médio, mas Hitler não concordou, porque o partido era exclusivamente para arianos, árabes não podiam ser aceitos.

-Na Alemanha, Husseini foi recebido por Hitler em 28 de novembro de 1941. O líder árabe propôs uma declaração a ser assinada pelos líderes do Eixo a qual afirmava que: "A Alemanha e a Itália reconhecem o direito dos países árabes de resolver a questão do elemento judeu, como é exigido pelos interesses nacionais e étnicos dos árabes, tal como a questão dos Judeus foi resolvida na Alemanha e na Itália".

-Hitler prometeu a Husseini a "destruição do elemento judeu" nas terras árabes. Documentos nazistas descobertos recentemente no arquivo militar de Freiburg por dois pesquisadores da Universidade de Stuttgart revelam que Hitler planejava ocupar a "Palestina" e exterminar os 500 mil judeus que ali viviam, contando com a aliança dos árabes comandados pelo Grande Mufti. Entre as atividades de Husseini durante a guerra estão:

* Uma fatwa proclamando jihad dos muçulmanos de todo o mundo contra a Grã-Bretanha

* Programas de rádio com propaganda nazista dirigidas aos árabes

* Organização de espionagem e terrorismo em áreas muçulmanas da Europa e do Oriente Médio

* A criação das unidades muçulmanas da SS nos Balcãs

* Treinamento de religiosos muçulmanos para acompanhar as unidades SS. As unidades SS muçulmanas chegaram a ter dezenas de milhares de soldados, na maioria muçulmanos da Bósnia, que combateram os guerrilheiros comunistas nos Balcãs.

-O Grande Mufti colaborou ativamente no extermínio dos judeus no Holocausto (responsavel direto por aprox. 20 mil mortos).

-Segundo depoimento no julgamento de Nuremberg dado pelo lugar-tenente de Adolf Eichmann, Dieter Wisliceny, "o Mufti foi um dos iniciadores do extermínio sistemático dos Judeus da Europa e foi um colaborador e conselheiro de Eichmann e Himmler na execução desse plano. Ele era um dos melhores amigos de Eichmann e constantemente o incitava a acelerar as medidas de extermínio. Ouvi ele mesmo contar que, acompanhado por Eichmann, visitou incógnito as câmaras de gás de Auschwitz ".

-Husseini interveio pessoalmente para conseguir que Himmler cancelasse a troca de 5 mil crianças judias polonesas por prisioneiros de guerra alemães, que estava sendo negociada com a Cruz Vermelha. As crianças estavam internadas no gueto de Theresienstadt e foram removidas para campos de extermínio e assassinadas.

-Uma das operações terroristas organizadas por Husseini foi o envio de cinco pára-quedistas para jogar toxinas (arma bacteriológica) no reservatório de água de Tel Aviv, durante a guerra. Os cinco foram capturados com 10 recipientes que continham veneno suficiente para matar 250 mil pessoas.

-Depois da guerra, o Grande Mufti conseguiu fugir de Berlim, mas foi capturado em Paris. Escapou da prisão e se refugiou no Cairo. Embora sua captura para ser julgado em Nuremberg tivesse sido pedida, os britânicos temiam a reação dos árabes, e permitiram que ele continuasse em liberdade. De seu refúgio no Cairo, o Grande Mufti foi um dos principais instigadores da guerra contra a independência de Israel em 1948, para a qual criou uma força árabe, o exército da Guerra Santa (Jaysh al-Jihad al-Muqaddas). Em 2002, Yasser Arafat disse numa entrevista ao jornal palestino Al Quds: "Nosso herói é Hajj Amin al-Husseini. Tentaram muitas vezes se livrar de Hajj Amin, que consideravam um aliado dos nazistas. Mas ele morou no Cairo, participou da guerra de 1948, e eu fui um dos soldados dele".

-Em 2 de novembro de 1943, Himmler enviou um telegrama a Husseini: " Para o Grande Mufti: o Movimento Nacional Socialista da Grande Alemanha tem, desde sua criação, inscrita em sua bandeira a luta contra os Judeus do mundo. Por isso acompanha com especial simpatia a luta dos árabes que amam a liberdade, contra os invasores judeus. No reconhecimento deste inimigo e da luta comum contra ele repousa a firme fundação da aliança natural entre a Grande Alemanha Nacional Socialista e os muçulmanos que amam a liberdade em todo o mundo. Neste espírito lhe envio neste aniversário da infame declaração Balfour (NT: a promessa britânica de um lar nacional para os judeus na “Palestina”, em 1919) minhas saudações calorosas e o desejo de sucesso na sua luta até a vitória final. Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler".

The Swastika and the Crescent

The roots of the Muslim Brotherhood and, in many ways, the Nazi-Muslim axis go back to the organisation’s formation in Egypt in 1928. Marking the start of modern political "Islamic fundamentalism," the Brotherhood from the outset envisioned a time when an Islamic state would prevail in Egypt and other Arab countries. The growth of the Muslim Brotherhood coincided with the rise of fascist movements in Europe - a parallel noted by Muhammad Sa’id al-’Ashmawy, former chief justice of Egypt’s High Criminal Court, who decried "the perversion of Islam" and "the fascistic ideology" that infuses the world view of the Brothers.

Youssef Nada, current board chairman of Al Taqwa, had joined the armed branch of the Muslim Brotherhood as a young man in Egypt during World War II. Nada and several of his cohorts in the Sunni Muslim fraternity were recruited by German military intelligence. Hassan al-Banna, the Egyptian schoolteacher who founded the Muslim Brotherhood, also collaborated with spies of the Third Reich.

Advocating a pan-Islamic insurgency in British-controlled Palestine, the Brotherhood proclaimed their support for the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, in the late 1930s. The Grand Mufti, the preeminent religious figure among Palestinian Muslims, was the most notable Arab leader to seek an alliance with Nazi Germany.

Although Hitler loathed Arabs (he once described them as "lacquered half-apes who ought to be whipped"), he understood that he and the Mufti shared the same rivals - the British, the Jews and the Communists. [519] [520] [521]

They met in Berlin, where the Mufti lived in exile during the war. The Mufti agreed to help organise a special Muslim division of the Waffen SS. Powerful radio transmitters were put at the Mufti’s disposal so that his pro-Axis propaganda could be heard throughout the Arab world.

( The Nazis were clear in their minds that the Arabs were racially inferior, and there would, therefore, be no pleasure to be had from helping them in anything except for the extermination of Jews in their region. [516], most Arabs never realized that the Nazis would consider them racially inferior as well. [517]

Hitler and the Nazis admired the totalitarianism nature of (radical) Islam, Nazi official: The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That can be the historic future. Albert Speer, who was Hitler's Minister of Armaments and War Production, wrote a contrite memoir of his World War II experiences while serving a 20-year prison sentence imposed by the Nuremberg tribunal. Speer's narrative includes in this discussion Hitler's racist views of Arabs on the one hand, and his effusive praise for Islam on the other: [518] )

A Mecca for Fascists

After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Grand Mufti fled to Egypt. His arrival in 1946 was a precursor to a steady stream of Third Reich veterans who chose Cairo as a postwar hideout, including former SS Captain Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann’s chief deputy. Convicted in absentia for war crimes, Brunner would later reside in Damascus, where he served as a security advisor for the Syrian government.

During this period, the Grand Mufti maintained close relations with the burgeoning Nazi exile community in Cairo, while cultivating ties to right-wing extremists in the United States and other countries. H. Keith Thompson, a New York-based businessman and Nazi activist, was a confidant of the Mufti. "I did a couple of jobs for him, getting some documents from files that were otherwise unavailable," Thompson acknowledged in an interview.

Thompson also carried on a lively correspondence with Johannes von Leers, one of the Third Reich’s most prolific Jew-baiters, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Omar Amin after he took up residence in Cairo in 1955. "If there is any hope to free the world from Jewish tyranny," Amin wrote Thompson, "it is with the Moslems, who stand steadfastly against Zionism, Colonialism and Imperialism." Formerly Goebbels’ right-hand man, Amin became a top official in the Egyptian Information Ministry, which employed several European fascists who churned out hate literature and anti-Jewish broadcasts.

Another German expatriate, Louis Heiden, alias Louis Al-Hadj, translated Hitler’s Mein Kampf into Arabic. The Egyptian government also published The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the infamous anti-Semitic forgery that purports to reveal a Jewish master plan for taking over the world. A staple of Nazi propaganda, the Protocols also are quoted in Article 32 of the charter of Hamas, the hard-line Palestinian fundamentalist group that is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood even though Muslim scholars say such views are an anathema to mainstream Islam.

Mercenaries for Palestine

After Israel’s overwhelming victory in the Six Day War in June 1967, a mood of desperate militancy engulfed the Palestinian refugee camps. Eager to continue their vendetta against the Jews, several right-wing extremists subsequently joined the Hilfskorp Arabien ("Auxiliary Corps Arabia"), which was advertised in the Munich-based Deutsche National-Zeitung, a pro-Nazi newspaper, in 1968.

Swiss Holocaust denier Jurgen Graf with Ahmed Rami, head of the extreme antisemitic Radio Free Islam

The following year, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked several commercial aeroplanes. When three PFLP members stood trial after blowing up an Israeli jet in Zurich, the legal costs for their defence were paid by Francois Genoud, an elusive Swiss banker described by the London Observer as "one of the world’s leading Nazis." Genoud had previously picked up the tab for Adolf Eichmann’s legal defence, and a number of other Nazi war criminals and Arab terrorists would also benefit from his largesse. Where did the money come from? According to European press accounts, Genoud was managing the hidden Swiss treasure of the Third Reich, most of which had been stolen from Jews.

After World War II, Genoud served as the financial advisor to the Grand Mufti. In 1958, the Swiss Nazi set up the Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva to manage the war chest of the Algerian National Liberation Front, whose partisans were fighting to free their country from French colonial rule. Several Third Reich veterans, including Maj. Gen. Otto Ernst Remer, who had served as Hitler’s bodyguard, smuggled weapons to the Algerian rebels, while other German advisors provided military instruction.

Europeans and Pro-Palestinian Terror

In addition to brokering arms sales to Arab militants, Genoud helped subsidise terrorist networks in Europe and the Arab world. This financier of fascism waited until the statute of limitations ran out before admitting that he had personally written and sent ransom notes demanding $5 million to the German airline Lufthansa and several news services after PFLP terrorists hijacked another jet in 1972. That same year, the Black September organisation murdered nine Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. When Black September leader Hassan Salameh needed medical attention, Genoud arranged for him to be treated at a private clinic in Lausanne.

After bombing four US Army bases in West Germany in 1982, Odfried Hepp, a young neo-Nazi renegade, went underground and joined the Tunis-based Palestine Liberation Front (PLF). Hepp, one of West Germany’s most wanted terrorists, was arrested in June 1985 while entering the apartment of a PLF member in Paris. Four months later, PLF commandos seized the Achille Lauro cruise ship and murdered Leon Klinghoffer, a wheelchair-bound Jewish American. Included on the PLF’s list of prisoners to be exchanged for the Achille Lauro hostages was the name of Odfried Hepp.

Fundamentalism and the Iranian Revolution

Islamic fundamentalism got a tremendous boost when the Ayatollah Khomeini toppled the Shah during the 1979 Iranian revolution. The Ayatollah’s description of the United States and the Soviet Union as "the twin Satans" dovetailed neatly with the "Third Position" politics of many European and American neofascists, an ideology that rejects both American capitalism and Soviet Communism. Some white supremacists also shared Khomeini’s dream of launching a "holy war" against what was seen as decadent, Western-style democracy. When Iran issued a call for the assassination of author Salmon Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses, several neo-Nazi groups supported the Iranian fatwa.

Far-right fanatics also hailed the 1983 suicide car-bombing by Iranian-backed Shiite terrorists that killed 271 US Marines in Beirut. The British National Front had nothing but praise for Khomeini’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards: "Their belief in their cause is so strong that they will run through mine fields unarmed to attack enemy positions; their ideals are so all-consuming that they will drive truck bombs into enemy camps knowing full well their [own] death is inevitable. ... This power, this contempt for death, is the stuff of which victories are made."

In 1987, French police cordoned off the Iranian embassy in Paris and demanded that a magistrate be allowed to interrogate Wahid Gordji, an Iranian official suspected of orchestrating a series of bombings that rocked the French capital during the previous a year. French investigators got on to Gordji’s trail after they discovered a check for 120,000 francs (about $20,000) that he had written to Ogmios, a neo-Nazi publisher and bookstore in Paris. The money was used to underwrite a slick catalogue promoting The Myth of the Jewish Holocaust and similar titles. But the Iranian government rebuffed the French authorities who wanted to question Gordji. The six-month embassy stand-off was finally resolved after French officials met with representatives of a group called "The Friends of Wahid Gordji" a group which included the redoubtable Nazi banker Francois Genoud.

Links between white supremacists and the Iranian government continued after Khomeini’s death in 1989. On several occasions in recent years, American neo-Nazi chieftain William Pierce has been interviewed by Radio Teheran.

US white supremacists have also snuggled up to Iran’s archenemy, Saddam Hussein. During that 1991 war, Oklahoma Ku Klux Klan leader Dennis Mahon organised a small rally in Tulsa in support of Saddam. Mahon says he later received a couple of hundred dollars in an unmarked envelope from the Iraqi government.

In addition, shortly before the war, German neo-Nazis solicited support from Iraq for an anti-Zionist legion composed of far-right mercenaries from several European countries. The members of this so-called international "Freedom Corps" pretentiously strutted around Baghdad in SS uniforms. But as soon as bombs started to fall on the Iraqi capital, the neo-Nazi volunteers scurried back to Europe.

The Libyan Connection

On June 28, 2000, the Times of London reported that Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi had ordered the deposit of $25 million into a bank in Carinthia, the Austrian province governed by Jorg Haider, de facto leader of the far-right Freedom Party. (The Freedom Party is an immigrant-bashing organisation that is home to many neo-Nazis and former Nazis and has downplayed German war atrocities.) Colonel Ghaddafi’s cash gift - which Haider described as "Christmas for Austria" - was meant to ease the strain of sanctions imposed on Austria by the European Union after the Freedom Party joined Austria’s national governing coalition.

This was the second rabbit Haider pulled from his hat as a result of two private forays to Tripoli, where he met Ghaddafi. After his first Libyan excursion, Haider announced he was tackling Austria’s high gas prices by arranging for Libyan gasoline to be sold in Carinthia at a discount. News photos showed Haider, the Porsche-driving populist, beaming as he pumped gas for motorists.

Links between Libya and the European far right have been scrutinised in several parliamentary and judicial probes in Italy. One Italian judicial inquiry found that the Libyan embassy in Rome had provided money to aid the escape of Italian terrorist suspect Mario Tuti shortly after the bombing of an express train near Florence in 1974. Tuti was later captured and sentenced to a lengthy prison term for orchestrating the attack, which killed 12 people.

Ghaddafi’s financial largesse and his militant anti-Zionism has generated support for the Libyan regime among right-wing extremists around the world, including in Great Britain, where the Green Book, Ghaddafi’s political manifesto, was promoted by the neo-Nazi National Front. In 1984, according to former British Nazi leader Ray Hill (who later renounced racism and worked with anti-racists), the Libyan People’s Bureau put up money for a special anti-Semitic supplement to the National Front’s monthly magazine. In addition, Ghaddafi’s government picked up the tab for several junkets so that neofascists from England, France, Canada, the Netherlands and several other countries could visit the Libyan capital.

Col. Ghaddafi is also widely admired by white supremacists in the United States. The Green Book has been featured as the top online book on the Web site of the American Front, whose professed aim is "to secure National Freedom and Social Justice for the White people of North America." Asserting that he is "against race mixing," American Front leader James Porazzo praises Libya and says that his group has much in common ideologically with Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, which has its own links to Ghaddafi. Porazzo also says he has "great respect for the actions of Hamas and Hezbollah," two radical Islamist groups involved in suicide bombings.

Osama’s Fans

The Philadelphia-based American Front thinks highly of Osama bin Laden, too, describing him as "one of ZOG [Zionist Occupation Government, the name many extremists give to the federal government, which they believe is run by Jews] and the New World Order’s biggest enemies." And it is not alone. Wolfgang Droege, one of 17 Canadian racists who travelled on a "fact-finding mission" to Libya in 1989, is similarly enamoured of bin Laden, seeing parallels between bin Laden’s struggle and others supporting "racial nationalism" in North America.

In bed with the Islamists: Veteran US neo-nazi William Pierce

While they wouldn’t want bin Laden, or anyone of non-European descent, living next door, leaders of the hard-core racist movement in the United States have seized upon the Sept. 11 attacks as an opportunity to expand their strategic alliance with Islamic radicals under the pretext of supporting Palestinian rights. After hijacked aeroplanes demolished the World Trade Centre and damaged the Pentagon, a number of Muslim newspapers published a flurry of articles by American white supremacists ranting against Israel and the Jews. Anti-Zionist commentary by neo-Nazi David Duke appeared on the front page of the Oman Times, for instance, and on an extremist Web site based in Pakistan ( Another opinion piece by Duke ran in Muslims, a New York-based English-language weekly, which also featured a lengthy critique of US foreign policy by William Pierce, head of the rabidly racist National Alliance. In the wake of Sept. 11, several American neo-Nazi web sites also started to offer links to Islamic Web sites.

The psychological dynamics that propel the actions of Islamic terrorists have much in common with the mental outlook of neo-Nazis. Both glorify violence as a regenerative force and both are willing to slaughter innocents in the name of creating a new social order.

US Holocaust deniers help unite neo-Nazis, Arab extremists

American extremists who claim that Jews fabricated the Holocaust to discredit Hitler and to justify the dispossession of Palestinians have made common cause on the propaganda front with jihadists from the Middle East. At the forefront of this collaborative effort is the Institute for Historical Review (IHR), the leading promoter of Holocaust denial in the United States.

Founded in 1978, the Southern California-based IHR distributes books, pamphlets, audio and videotapes that purport to prove the Holocaust never happened. These "assassins of memory," as French literary historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet calls the Holo-hoaxers, also publish the Journal of Historical Review, which tries mightily to impress its readers with footnotes and other scholarly trappings. A recent issue spoke breathlessly of a "white-hot trend: the rapid growth of Holocaust revisionism, fuelled by increasing cooperation between Muslims and Western revisionists, across the Islamic world."

Early last year, the IHR organised a conference on "Zionism and Revisionism" that was set for Beirut that March. Billed as an opportunity for North American and European extremists to meet their counterparts in the Islamic world, the event was delayed and relocated due to diplomatic pressure from the United States and Europe. An open letter signed by 14 leading Arab intellectuals also denounced the conference, which was eventually held in Amman, Jordan. The featured speaker at this scaled-down meeting, hosted locally by the Jordanian Writers’ Federation, was French negationist Robert Faurisson, a longtime IHR advisor, who told a sympathetic audience that "Hitler never ordered or allowed the killing of anyone on account of his or her race or religion" and that "the Germans suffered, in reality, a fate far worse than that of the Jews."

Feeding the Propaganda Machine

Driven by the proliferation of neo-Nazi propaganda and antagonism toward Israel, Holocaust denial has gained widespread acceptance across the Arab world in recent years. It’s no coincidence that commentary on the IHR Web site is translated and posted in Arabic, as well as in German and English. IHR director Mark Weber takes pride in the fact that he and other "revisionists," as they like to call themselves, have been interviewed on Iranian state radio. Iran’s Islamic fundamentalist regime has granted refuge to several European Holocaust-deniers, who were convicted of hate speech crimes in their home countries. Jürgen Graf, an IHR editorial advisor, fled to Teheran rather than serve a 15-month sentence in a Swiss prison.

A key IHR ally among Muslim extremists is Ahmed Rami, a former Moroccan army officer who fled his native country after joining a failed coup attempt against King Hassan in 1972. Today Rami runs Radio Islam, a Stockholm-based neo-Nazi propaganda outfit. In addition to articles such as "USA’s Rulers: They are all Jews," the Web site of Radio Islam carries the full text of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

For many Palestinians, denying the Holocaust is an effective way to reject any Jewish claim to Israel. Columbia University professor Edward Said, a Palestinian American, laments the proliferation of this tendency among Arabs. "If we expect Israeli Jews not to use the Holocaust to justify appalling human rights abuses of the Palestinian people," Said says, "we too have to go beyond such idiocies as saying that the Holocaust never took place."

Holocaust denial has become increasingly common in leading newspapers in Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other Arab countries, where official thinking is reflected in tightly controlled national media.

Saudi Arabia at the Forefront

Of all the Arab nations involved in promoting anti-Semitic propaganda, Saudi Arabia is perhaps the most egregious offender. In the late 1970s, for instance, the Saudi government retained the services of American neo-Nazi William Grimstead as a Washington lobbyist. During this period, the Saudi royal family lavished funds on numerous Sunni fundamentalist organisations, including the Pakistan-based World Muslim Congress (WMC), which was headed by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the anti-Semitic Nazi collaborator, until his death in 1974.

A few years later, the WMC mailed Holocaust denial literature to every member of the US Congress and the British parliament. Issah Nakleh, a Palestinian writer affiliated with the WMC, became a fixture at IHR conferences in the United States and a regular contributor to the Journal of Historical Review. Nakleh was also well known to readers of The Spotlight, the anti-Semitic weekly published by the IHR’s now-defunct parent organisation, the Liberty Lobby. Acknowledging their political kinship, WMC secretary-general Dr. Inamullah Khan, a trusted advisor to the Saudi royal family, sent a letter to The Spotlight, praising its "superb in-depth analysis" and stating that the paper deserved "the thanks of all right-minded people."

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Nazi propaganda in the Arab world - What is remarkable about this interview with Jeffrey Herf, author of Nazi propaganda for the Arab world, is that it was conducted in an Egyptian newspaper, al-Masry-al-Youm. The book's findings are best summed up by Bassam Tibi of Cornell University, who writes on the flyleaf: "The traces of Germany's Nazi antisemtism disclosed in this groundbreaking analysis persist, despite the Islamization of this ideology"