terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

Libertação do soldado custou a Israel muitas lágrimas e sangue. Vejam as histórias dessas duas terroristas orgulhosas de seus crimes bárbaros

A Israel custou suor, lágrimas e sangue — muitas lágrimas e muito sangue — a soltura dessa primeira leva de 477 prisioneiros palestinos em troca da libertação do soldado Gilad Shalit, sequestrado pelos terroristas do Hamas em junho de 2006 e deste então mantido em cativeiro.

Amina, a que fez o garoto israelense se apaixonar pela internet para ser morto a tiros, quando era levada ao tribunal que a condenou à prisão perpétua (Foto: "An Nahar")

Para exemplificar o que escrevi acima, vou deixar de lado a enumeração dos assassinos frios, dos terroristas impenitentes e de tantos outros ciminosos que deixaram o duro cárcere israelense em troca do pálido, frágil Shalit, que parece tudo — estudante de filosofia, professor de matemática –, menos soldado, para fixar o foco em duas histórias:

História número um: armadilha mortal do amor

Janeiro de 2001. Ophir Rachum, um garoto tímido de 16 anos de idade de Ashkelon, cidade litorânea 50 quilômetros ao sul de Tel Aviv, desses viciados em internet e que quase não saem de casa, encontra uma parceira num chat. É uma judia recém-emigrada do Marrocos. Trocam mensagens cada vez mais quentes, até que combinam um encontro em Jerusalém. A garota ainda lembra: que ele não se esqueça de trazer camisinhas.

Encontraram-se na principal estação de ônibus de Jerusalém. Pegaram um táxi em direção a Ramallah, a capital da Autoridade Palestina. Perto da cidade, a garota disse que uma amiga os esperava em seu carro. Ophir, feliz da vida, dirigiu-se ao veículo – e lá estavam dois terroristas da milícia Tanzim, que o mataram a tiros.

A “garota marroquina” era na verdade a jornalista palestina Amina Joudah Manssi, de 21 anos, ou Amina Mouna, Amina Mona, Amina Muna, Amana Gouad ou mais meia dúzia de diferentes pseudônimos de que lançava mão na clandestinidade.

Três dias depois, foi presa. Levada a um tribunal, foi condenada à prisão perpétua.

“Estou orgulhosa do que fiz”, dizia, sorrindo, diante do tribunal.

A última mensagem de Ophir encontrada em seu computador dizia:

– Eu te amo.

O pai de Ophir, Shalom, não se conforma até hoje:

– Massacracam meu menino! Foram 28 tiros à queima-roupa! Ela é uma assassina asquerosa. Quando esses animais estiverem de volta às ruas, o terrorismo vai voltar.

Ahlam: rosto angelical, 15 mortos, 140 feridos e nenhum arrependimento. Agora, está livre da prisão perpétua

História número dois: a criminosa de rosto angelical

Agosto de 2001. Ahlam Tamimi, uma jovem palestina de 20 anos, sorriso claro e rosto angelical, estava assistindo a uma palestra em Jerusalém quando recebeu um telefonema. Era de um “chefe de comando” do Hamas que a conhecia e sabia de seu ódio a Israel. Convidou-a para um encontro, porque iria encarregá-la de uma “missão”.

Ahlam deixou a palestra pela metade e foi avistar-se com o homem, que estava acompanhado de um estudante de Jenin, na Cisjordânia – região sob controle da Autoridade Palestina . Chamava-se Izz al-Masri, era filho de um próspero dono de restaurante mas se candidatara a ser “mártir da revolução” e a “encontrar-se com Alá”.

A jovem prontificou-se a cumprir sua parte na “missão”: vestir-se com roupas características de uma israelense, esconder com ela 10 quilos de dinamite e levar al-Masri a um determinado ponto da cidade.

Pouco depois, a “missão” chegava a seu término: numa pizzaria do centro de Jerusalém, repleta de clientes, al-Masri explodiu o próprio corpo, matando 15 pessoas e ferindo 140. Entre os mortos, uma senhora brasileira: Giora Balash, 60 anos, de São Paulo.

Logo detida, julgada e condenada à prisão perpétua, Ahlam repetiu o refrão dos fanáticos palestinos: “Por que tenho que me arrepender? Não fiz nada errado. Não me arrependo”.

The Day of the Swine

This morning at 2:30 AM, was the official start of the "Day of the Swine" -- as 477 murderous Palestinian, Islamic animals are being released from their pens. These swine who have butchered civilian men and women, boys and girls, and tiny infants in the name of Islam and Palestine, these worthless representatives of a fake collective called "Palestine", whose biggest claim to fame is their lack of a positive contribution to the human race, are preparing for a hero's welcome by their fellow animals.

Any Muslim, any Imam, any Muslic cleric who does not hang their head in shame at the release of these butchers -- over a thousand by the end of the exchange deal for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, is also part of the herd of swine.

How do they not weep that this exchange proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the absolute value of a single Jew is worth more than over thousand of their fellow co-religionists? Islamic apologists point of the invention of the "zero" as one of the great contributions of Islam to the world. Today we see over a thousand zeros -- a thousand murderous animals, filthy swine being released, as Palestinians celebrate.

Collectively, they are even too stupid to even realize that this exchange minimizes their own self value.

There will never be peace with the Palestinian people. Any person who cheers this release will never desire peace, will never want peace, and cannot comprehend the concept of peace.

The butchers released today, their mobs of supporters, and every Islamic leader who does not denounce them, will rot in hell for eternity.

Gilad Shalit e o acordo com o Hamas

O soldado Shalit, que nunca matou (Foto: AFP)

O soldado Shalit, que nunca matou

Israel está pagando um preço exorbitante (intolerável para as famílias de vítimas do terror) para trazer de volta o soldado Gilad Shalit, sequestrado pelo grupo terrorista palestino Hamas em 2006. O preço são 1027 prisioneiros palestinos. Entre os libertados, estão militantes com as mãos sujíssimas de sangue (de acordo com Israel, entre os mais de cinco mil presos por razões de segurança, cerca de 70% têm “sangue nas mãos”). Está havendo uma troca, mas cuidado com equivalências entre combatentes. O soldado Shalit, recruta compulsório, nunca matou mulheres e crianças. Nunca matou. Eis a ficha resumida de alguns palestinos inseridos no acordo para a libertação de Shalit:

Hussan Badran: comandante militar do Hamas na Cisjordânia, condenado à prisão perpétua pelo planejamento de vários ataques terroristas, entre eles o atentado suicida na pizzaria Sbarro, em Jerusalém, em agosto de 2001, na qual morreram o brasileiro Giora Balazs, de 68 anos, e outras 14 pessoas.

Abdul al-Aziz Salaha: garoto-propaganda do terror. Entre seus crimes, esteve a participação no linchamento de dois soldados israelenses capturados em 12 de outubro de 2000, uma das imagens definitivas da segunda intifada (insurreição) palestina

Yehya Sinwar: um dos fundadores do braço militar do Hamas, as Brigadas Izzedin al-Qassam. Começou sua vida de assassino executando palestinos suspeitos de colaborar com Israel. Deverá ocupar alto cargo no Hamas, após 23 anos na prisão.

Walid Anajas: condenado a 36 sentenças de prisão perpétua por envolvimento em dois atentados terroristas. Um deles provocou 12 mortes no Moment Cafe, no coração de Jerusalém Ocidental em 2002, perto da sede da presidência israelense. O ataque no auge da intifada é considerado marca registrada do Hamas, motivo de júblilo para os simpatizantes do movimento. Eu espero que motivo de muita tristeza para os leitores.

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

Alone in the Muslim World

Leon Panetta visited Israel to warn about its "growing isolation" and he is half right. Right about the isolation and wrong about the growing part.

Israel is isolated in the Middle-East, but its isolation is a constant reality, not a growing phenomenon. It is not isolated because of its policies, as its critics claim, but because its identity is at odds with a region dominated by Arab-Muslims whose national identities is closely tied to ethnicity and religion.

Israel is isolated in the same way that the United States and Canada are isolated among a hemisphere of Latino states or they would be if they paid attention to what was going on south of the border. But the North American anglos have enough land and population to ignore the commonplace hostility of their southern neighbors. Enough breathing room that most in the north are unaware that there is a rivalry in the south.

With its tiny territory, a sizable minority population that is from the regional majority (something that is also becoming an issue in the United States) and nothing in the way of a buffer zone, the isolation is much more extreme for the only non-Muslim and non-Arab state in the Middle-East. But there is one additional factor. Israel's difference is not merely ethnic or racial, it's also religious. And the religion it's surrounded by is a creed which views mass murder as an acceptable solution to religious differences.

If Sunnis and Shiites can't get along with one another, how exactly is Israel expected to overcome a much more fundamental isolation?

Israel will always remain isolated in a region defined by religion and race. There is no way around that and no amount of peace processes and policies will change that. There is a measurable distance between Iran and the rest of the region because it is Persian and Shiite. In the same way there is a distance between Turkey and the rest of the region because it is non-Arab. No matter how much Iran and Turkey get out front to lead the Jihad, they will always be on the outs.

There have only been two defining movements in the region: Pan-Arabism and Pan-Islamism. The protests and revolutions of the Arab Spring have only been a means of advancing the goals of Pan-Arabism and Pan-Islamism. Israel's Jews, like the Kurds, the Persians and the Turks, have no place in a Pan-Arabist region. Unlike all of them, Israel's Jews are completely on the outs in a Pan-Islamist scheme.

If Israel's isolation has grown, it is because the region has shifted further into the Pan-Islamist column after Turkey's Islamist rulers succeeded in bringing down the central pillar of the secular state. There is nothing Israel could do to reverse this isolation except convert en masse to Islam. And even if it that it would be the wrong kind of Islam as far as the Shiites of Iran or the Alawite rulers of Syria are concerned.

While the old British foreign policy hands, bastards though they were, innately understood all this, the Muslim world has successfully framed the conflict in terms of the Palestinian Arabs, whom they keep around as cheap labor and cheap killers. The drumbeat of pressure on Israel to somehow create a Palestinian state as a means of ending its isolation is a wrongheaded conclusion drawn from the cynical propaganda of failed regimes.

Israel cannot end its isolation, because its isolation is the product of regional identity, not policy. Much of the Middle East has backchannels to Israel and carries on covert forms of trade with Israel. At the same time their newspapers and television states attack Israel whenever a ruler needs a convenient scapegoat. Any normalization that happens will be equally impermanent and will be reversed the moment that the situation at home changes. This is what happened in Egypt.

Israel is hated because it is different and it survives because it is powerful. It is powerful because its military is used for external defense, rather than internal repression. This sets it apart from the Muslim world where militaries are used primarily for internal repression.

A Middle Eastern army that becomes strong enough is called a government. Middle Eastern countries that are large enough to field a large army rarely need it as a defense against an invasion and small countries are rarely capable of fielding a competent army because they lack the professionalism and don't see the point. Instead they rely on agreements with larger neighbors that keep them from being gobbled up.

Israel is the exception as a tiny country fielding a large army. It is able to do this because of its level of competence and because its internal stability means that the military does not need to be used for domestic repression, is not at risk of carrying out a coup and does not need to be composed of a ruling minority.

These are very important points and they form the backbone of Israeli exceptionalism. But they are also being eroded.

The drive to negotiate with the terrorists and appease by ethnically cleansing its own population has made Israel very unstable. The left is obsessed with using the military for the domestic repression of the right, while at the same time terrified that the majority of the military will soon be composed of a group that is culturally and theologically opposed to their agenda.

The Israeli military has always been mixed in with the government, and generals easily transition into politicians, but unlike the rest of the region it has never happened at gunpoint. However the left is intent on forcing the military to choose sides in the civil war that they are doing their best to create. The growing polarization is having a negative impact on the viability of the IDF as a fighting force and the Second Lebanon War tragically demonstrated that.

But the primary source of the instability is the pipeline of Muslim pressure on America and Europe, becoming American and European pressure on Israel, which turns into domestic instability at home. Usuing the West as a tool, the Muslim world has managed to destabilize Israel and that threatens its survival as a democracy, and its survival as a democracy threatens the viability of its defenses.

Israel is told to abandon much of its territory and its identity, and wreck its military by turning it against its own citizens in the hopes of normalizing relations with the region. If not, then it will face regional and global isolation. Either you kill yourself or I'll kill you.

It's a neat trap and a devil's bargain because most people will choose to take control of a situation even if it's to their own detriment. Given a choice between chopping off their own hand or being shot in the head, they'll choose the former. Worse yet they'll do it to show how cooperative they're willing to be. And once they've agreed to chop off their hand, then they can't very well argue over a foot or two.

Give your enemy a choice between safe passivity and foolish action on a single open path and you can crush his forces every time. Make the foolish action seem noble and inevitable and you can go home early.

The Muslim world can't maintain stability in its own countries, because its Pan-this and Pan-that which always leave someone one, but it is excellent at destabilizing other countries, at spreading rumor and innuendo, at playing the aggrieved victims, at street theater accompanied by bouts of violence.

As the saner parts of the world are losing their minds and agreeing to commit suicide, they expect Israel to follow suit. To jump into the sea in the name of some greater global harmony. Panetta is only the latest messenger boy toting a big briefcase filled with the same bad news. "You've got to work harder, really put your back into appeasing those terrorists. Throw in Jerusalem, Ariel and whatever else you've got."

But no matter what Israel does it will remain isolated and that's a good thing.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The only country without leaders for life or freedoms for no one. The only country where you don't lose any rights by being born with XX chromosomes and going to be a different house of worship does not make you an enemy of the state. It's a country bursting with ideas and debates, with technology and creativity and that offers a level of human rights completely foreign to the rest of the region.

Being alone in the Muslim world is not a bad thing morally, though it may be a bad position to be in defensively. That sense of isolation is wearying and dehumanizing, an endless horizon that seems as if it could be bridged with only a little effort. But that is an illusion.

On a map Israel seems isolated, but in truth it is the Muslim world which is isolated. It is the Muslim world that has carved itself up into tiny enclaves, each sect, each people, each street divided against itself. The chaos in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya are a reminder of the internal fragmentation and isolation of the Muslim world. An isolation so pervasive that it cannot be overcome except through temporary alliances against a common foe. An ultimate "Other".

Israel has not been isolated by its choices, but by the cultural failures of its neighbors. As long as its neighbors deal with their own instability through war and tyranny in the name of collective identities that they cannot sustain, that will not change.

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Arson in Galilee Mosque

This past Sunday evening, someone torched a Bedouin Mosque in the Northern Israel town of "Tuba Zanghariya." Someone left behind some graffiti as well, indicating the arson attack was a "price tag" retaliation for the murder of the Palmers by Palestinian terrorists on Erev Rosh HaShana.

“What I can’t understand is why us? Why of all places would they come here?” asked resident Dr. Muhammad al-Haib, in a plaza outside the scorched entryway of the al-Noor mosque.

In a common sentiment expressed Tuesday, al-Haib said the people of the village are “completely Israeli” and see themselves as having a shared fate with their Jewish neighbors in the surrounding towns.

Al-Haib said the villagers celebrate [Israeli] Independence Day and do not identify with the “Nakba,” the Palestinian day that mourns the founding of the State of Israel.

Like others, al-Haib also expressed a sense of bewilderment and surprise at the suspected arson, rather than a desire for revenge.

“When this happened, people were very angry and asked: ‘Why us?’ We’re together, we’re not fighting one another here. We serve together [in the IDF], we live together, we’re very close. Somebody wrote ‘revenge’ on the wall, but why do you want revenge on me?”

Al-Haib, who serves as the Education Ministry’s national director for education in the Beduin sector, described the village as completely cut off from the greater Arab sector in Israel, with the closest Arab villages over half an hour away, much farther than Rosh Pina, only a couple kilometers away. (JPost)


Tuba is considered a loyal village and its residents have served in the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] since 1948.

And in an unrelated case
: "Muslim Arrested in Mosque Arson case" / Muslim community member charged in Marietta mosque fire.

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

73 Years Ago Today Arabs Massacred 21 Jews in Tiberias, The British Reacted With Appeasement

Three Victims of the Massacre -Deborah,Rebecca and Haya Mizrahi
Tiberias is one of my favorite cities in Israel. It was the home of many Great Rabbis who lived in or were buried in there. The Sanhedrin, the famous Jewish court, fled from Jerusalem during the Great Jewish Revolt against the Roman Empire, and after several moves eventually settled in Tiberias. Many scholars believe that the Mishna and the Jerusalem Talmud was compiled in by Rabbi Judah haNasi in Tiberias.

One part of Tiberias history occurred 73 years ago today. On October 2 1938, an organized groups of Arab attackers massacred 21 Jews three of the victims were women and ten were kids younger than twelve. The victims were stabbed shot and burned.

The New York Times described the brutal rampage:
Not since the riots of 1929, when Arabs fell on Jewish men, most of whom were rabbinical students, as well as women and children, in the ancient towns of Hebron and Safed, has there been in Palestine such a slaughter as the attack of last night. The main synagogue of the town was destroyed by fire, and the district offices, the police station and the British police billet were fired on.

The attack apparently was well organized, since the Arab gang, before descending on Tiberias, cut all telephone communications. Coming in two parties from opposite directions at a given signal, which was a whistle blown from the hills surrounding the town, the firing began simultaneously in all quarters...

...The bandits rushed to the central synagogue and, finding there a beadle named Jacob Zaltz, killed him and then set the building afire...

...the Arabs broke in and stabbed and burned to death Mr. Kabin [an elderly American Jew who had recently come to Palestine] and his sister...

From there the bandits went on to the house of Joshua Ben Arieh, where they stabbed and burned to death Joshua, his wife and one son, and then shot dead his infant son. In the same house three children of Shlomo Leimer, aged 8, 10, and 12, were stabbed and burned to death. Proceeding farther, the Arabs broke into the house of Shimon Mizrahi, where they killed his wife and five children, ranging in ages from 1 to 12 years, and then set fire to the house.... [New York Times, Oct. 4, 1938]
Three weeks later (Oct. 27th) Tiberian Arabs murdered the Jewish mayor, Isaac Zaki Alhadif.

The Tiberias massacre was part of three years of terrorism conducted by the Arabs living in or near the holy land. There was no Israel, no disputed territories, just some communities of Jews, many of which housed people who had been living in the land for generations. Rather than put down the violence, the British Government decided to appease the terrorists with a British White Paper limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine just as Hitler was beginning his final solution. As a result, the British Government sentenced many Jews to death at the hands of the Nazis. The attitude of the British and indeed most of the western world toward Arab terror hasn't changed in the intervening 73 years, it is still all about sacrificing Jewish blood to appease the Arabs involved in terror.

May the memories of those slain in Tiberias 73 years ago always be for a blessing.

domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

Muslim mob torches another church in Egypt

From AINA:
After Friday prayers, a mob of several thousand Muslims from the village of Elmarinab in Edfu, Aswan province, demolished and torched St. George's church, which was being renovated. The mob demolished the dome, walls and columns, then went to the church depot where the lumber to be used for construction was stored and torched it. The fire lasted 2 hours but the attack continued until 7 PM.

In an interview on Coptic TV channel, Father Salib of St. George's Church said "the Imam of one of the village mosques called on the people to take matter in their own hands, he added. Other witnesses named the Imam as Sheikh Sabry.

According to eyewitnesses the Muslims also torched a large depot of electrical goods owned by a Copt, a supermarket and four Coptic homes. Muslims prevented the fire brigade from entering the village. Security forces, which were present, "stood there watching," said Mr.Michael Ramzy, a social worker at the church.

Dr. Naguib Gabriel, head of the Egyptian Union of Human rights Organizations send an urgent message to field Marchall Tantawi to save the Copts in Egypt. "The Copts, their lives and their churches are in danger," he said.

Attorney Mamdouh Nakhla, head of Al-Kalema human rights organization condemned Muslims taking the law in their own hands. He said "if the Egyptian Government is unable to protect its citizens, then the civilized international society should step in immediately to stop this human tragedy."
The only English-language Egyptian media to cover the incident was Bikya Masr:
Aswan’s governor denied the burning of a church in Edfu, in southern Egypt, on Friday and said there was no attack on the church since there is no church “but a Christian guest house,” adding that the situation has calmed and the clashes stopped.

Governor Mostafa el-Said told Channel One, Egypt’s national TV channel, late on Friday that reports stating violence against a church in the city were “wrong.”

Eyewitnesses, however, have reported that a number of Muslim men surrounded church and set fire to parts of it, then moved to Coptic houses in the area, where they set fire to buildings and vandalized a grocery store.

They added that violence continued into the night, with the men using gas containers to set a residential home on fire, while another reported that one of the Muslims said “we don’t want Copts in our town.”

Eyewitnesses have confirmed that some men tried to stop the fire trucks from reaching the burning buildings, which contributed to financial damages for the city.

El-Said said that the clashes erupted after construction was taking place at the guest house with “the intention of turning it into a church which provoked the Muslims.

He added that the Copts had permission to build on the guest house for 9 meters only, but they exceeded that and increased the building by 13 meters.

He said the Muslims “got angry” and the Copts admitted to the wrongdoing and promised to remove the extra floors, but there was a delay in the removal “which made a local Islamic clerk mobilize young men and head there to remove it themselves.
That burning smell in the air? That's the fragrance of Arab Spring!